Thursday, April 7, 2011

Great Website

My friend showed me this yesterday, worth browsing through.

Monday, January 31, 2011

BadCatholic: If Angels Could Be Jealous...

Here is another good one while you are doing your Monday morning procrastination routine. Oh, that's me.

BadCatholic: If Angels Could Be Jealous...: "Happy Sabbath! Hold your heads up high Roman Catholics, today you will receive the Holy Eucharist. Your venial sins will be melted away an..."

BadCatholic: I Love Atheists!

Since no one ever posts anything anymore...

BadCatholic: I Love Atheists!: "...which is why I'd like them to realize that they suck at atheism. Etymologically speaking, A holiday is a holy day, which leads me to unde..."

Friday, December 17, 2010

Yankee Swap

So those of you that are well versed in episodes of The Office will recall the Christmas episode in which Yankee Swap is played so that Michael can ditch the oven mit that Phyllis made for him...
Well this year we thought we'd try our very own Smyczek/Holtz/Bennett Yankee Swap!

The idea is to spend $15/person on a gender neutral gift, and bring to Christmas dinner wrapped. The rules will be explained in greater detail on Christmas.

Can't wait to see everyone!

Margret (aka: Maggie, Mags...)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Gifts

Hello all (Y'all)! First of all Happy Birthday George!

So over the Thanksgiving weekend there have been several conversations about Christmas and how frankly the gift giving has gotten a bit out of control. I think we can all agree that buying for everyone is what we'd love to do, but we simply can't afford it. That being said this year we are vowing to stick to only buying for your godchildren as well as the name that has been drawn for you. We drew names last night on HiMount Blvd. The list goes as follows:

Julie buys for Bob
Homer for Chris
Jeanne for Julie
Rex for Homer
Yvonne for Peter
Jim for Dan
Maggie for Lauren
Pete for Jeanne
Lauren for Maggie
Bill for Jim
Bob for Yvonne
Dan for Bill

So, only a few more weeks until we all get together! Can't wait to see everyone!